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2023 ACA Open Enrollment

Writer's picture: VHIAVHIA

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

Make sure you are ready as the open enrollment window is quickly approaching. The Affordable Care Act open enrollment period for 2023 health plans starts November 1, 2022, and ends December 15, 2022, in most states. Plans sold during Open Enrollment start as early as January 1, 2023.

The “Affordable Care Act” (ACA) is the name for the comprehensive health care reform law and its amendments. The law addresses health insurance coverage, health care costs, and preventive care. The Affordable Care Act increases health insurance coverage for the uninsured and implements reforms to the health insurance market.

Under the Affordable Care Act, patients who may have been uninsured due to preexisting conditions or limited finances can secure affordable health plans through the health insurance marketplace in their state.

Open enrollment is the only time of year you can enroll in a health plan, switch plans, or re-enroll in your current plan in the individual and family market. If you miss open enrollment, your only options are limited to

  • Special Enrollment

  • Short Term Health Insurance,

  • Employer Based Coverage

  • Medicare

  • Medicaid

  • CHIP

Key Dates For ACA Open Enrollment 2023:

  • Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Open Enrollment begins.

  • Thursday, December 15, 2022: Open Enrollment ends (extensions may be granted).

  • Sunday, January 1, 2023: The earliest a plan purchased during open enrollment can start.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) offers subsidies to offset the cost of health insurance, capping how much people signing up on the ACA Marketplaces pay at a certain percent of their income. In 2022, those subsidies increased significantly under the CARES Act. There are important updates impacting health insurance in the Inflation Reduction Act by Congress. An estimated $64 billion will be focused on the extension of the Affordable Care Act for an additional three years through 2025. This would extend the current subsidies in place for those that qualify based on their income. Americans purchasing insurance under the program would pay no more than 8.5% of their income for coverage.

Here are a couple of items to start working on in order to get ready for the new enrollment period.

  1. Determine what your projected income will be for 2023

  2. Verify whether your main doctors (Primary Care Physician or Pediatricians) will still accept your existing coverage.

  3. Be on the lookout for your renewal information to see if your plan will be changing

We are here to help...

We know this can still feel overwhelming and something you'd rather not deal with. This is where an experienced Health Insurance Agent can help. Our team will prepare your options and help you make the right the decision. We take of your enrollment into new plans and continue to assist you with your plan during the year whenever you need assistance. Need help with evaluating your options? Contact us below at:

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